Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Karaoke Bus Ride

On Friday of last week I am asked what are you doing on Saturday.  And I say the typical just relaxing and shopping.  My Thai teacher than asks me “you go with my tomorrow at 5.”  I say ok, I try to say yes to things as much as possible.  I enjoy getting to know the Thai people and Thai culture.  I later learn that the 5:00 means AM.  I am thinking oh no I don’t want to wake up that early its Saturday.  But I said yes already so I can’t easily back out now.  Plus I have nothing else to do anyway.  I get picked up at 4:45am sharp from my house, and then taken to the school (a 5 minute car ride.)  The bus is there waiting and I join the other 20 kindergarten teachers on the bus where we depart at 5:00am.  I am told it will be a 3 hour bus ride so I sleep.  I have no idea where we are going.  Not even the slightest idea of our direction, north, south, east, or west.  I’m starting to drift asleep on the bus when suddenly there is music blaring and teachers singing into microphones.  “What is going on I think.”  Oh of course they are just singing Karaoke at 5am in the morning.  They all take turns singing throughout the entire drive.  Luckily I can sleep through anything so I eventually just fall asleep.      
Shortly thereafter we stop at 7-11 for snacks but then I continue sleeping.  There are various other stops along the way for bathroom breaks, markets fruit buys and any other good deals seen on the side of the road.  We arrive at the school at 8am.  They serve us hot noodle and pork soup for breakfast.  It is actually very good.  I notice the school is also called Anubarn, which is also the name of the school I work at.  (Later I am told there is an Anubarn school in every province of Thailand.)  That’s when I guess that this is a sister school that we are visiting to get advice and share ideas.  I believe kindergarten is new at my current school.    
Then around 9am there is a meeting in an upstairs air conditioned meeting room.  Thai people can’t stand the heat of their own country.  This amuses me as I have air conditioning in my house but do not use it because fans are enough.  In the meeting, we were shown a 15 minute video about the school with lots of pictures and videos of the children’s activities.  The school has a lot in common with our school.  Then the director of their school gives a 30 minute speech and the director of our school gives a 30 minute speech.  We are then given a snack.  It was a ball of white bread stuffed with pork, vegetables and a sweet salty sauce.  It was good.  Along with it was a cup of way to sugary ice coffee.  They drink their coffee with sweetened condensed milk.  It is really gross but I’m slowly getting used to it. 
Next we take a tour of their school.  Mostly the teachers are all just enjoying taking photos of me in front of silly things at the school, and taking my photo alone in front of these things.   
Once it hit 11:30 we bus off to lunch.  A mere 5 minutes away, but Thai people do not like to walk.  The lunch is so delicious.  We had dried sweet pork bits, plain sticky rice, a coconut curry dish, papaya salad; grilled fish, a few other dishes but those were my favorites.  The Thai people were impressed that I could eat every dish, even the spicy ones. 
After lunch we set off for home.  On the way home we also karaoke the entire time.  Since I am a little more awake this time I realize how bad the singing is but they are having so much fun.  The teachers keep asking me what I want to sing.  At first I just tell them in Thai “my die, my die,” which means I can’t, I can’t.  But later into the bus ride I figure if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.  And I made them all so happy by singing.  I let them pick the song, just so long as it was in English.  Then I start singing but realize I have no idea what the song it.  But the other teachers know it so they help me out and before I know it I am singing in a microphone on a bus with 20 Thai kindergarten teachers.  It was a lot of fun! 

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