My best lesson so far has been a
sun mosaic. It was in my second week and
the teachers are switching around who plans the main lesson and I was still confused
about my day but when it came I wanted to teach about saying good morning, good
afternoon and good evening. Most of the
people here as in Rwanda can only say good morning. So my Thai assistant and I made large suns
and some mountains. One Sun was glowing
orange to represent the morning sunrise, one sun was big and yellow for the hot
afternoon and the evening sun was orange with some yellow sun beams to
represent the evening sunset. Though I
don’t think it really caught on completely the students do now say good
afternoon after their naps so they did learn something. For the creative activity that day I wanted
it to involve suns but coloring was getting boring for the kids as they color a
lots to learn letters and numbers. So
instead we printed out blank simple suns in the computer and had the students
rip colored paper into small squares and paste different colors onto their sun.
We used pink, red, yellow and orange
paper for the project. The activity took
a long time, over an hour of keeping the children completely occupied and they
loved it. The suns turned out
beautifully and I had a very successful lesson

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